Dear Diary, From Token
Dear Diary,
I woke up to a beautiful, crisp day this morning. We even had a thin layer of ice on our watering trough. I felt I needed a bit of rest today as I am sure all of the others that have helped on the trails needed too! What better way to rest than to take your horse and go ride those trails. Now this was Token's idea, (couldn't of been mine). So out we went. Token and me. We had a goal to ride the new trails that we all worked so hard on. Maybe to show our tired and sore bones that it was all worth it. I don't know about anybody else out there, but I never hurt when I get on my horse! Just seems to all melt away! So on we went. We only saw a red fox, chipmunks and squirrels. We got to Orr Road and couldn't go no farther. Alas there is no more trail. So we started back home. I tried to do the stunts they do in those flag races, by picking up the flags we had down for markers. Well forget that one! Token wouldn't bend anymore than she was already bending! So I lost that race. So I walked Token and taught her to Whoa and move every 10 feet or so to pick up all those flags. It was much easier for me to be on the ground than on her back! I guess what I am trying to say to all of you is . . . What a beautiful Park we have! What nice trails! All of this wouldn't be here for us if it weren't for all of you that helped. Thank you for helping to keep our trails, not just for me but for our children and their children! I felt I was the only one on earth out there. The peacefulness and the beauty was just what I needed; what we all need sometime in our lives! Thank you all!
Token (and Susie)