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Perspective from the saddle

Well now there's frost on the pumpkin, leaves need raking (darn) and old Hoss growing more hair.  Another season coming to a close and your club members have had their fun cutting, raking, clipping and digging those trails at our park.  We have come along way with all your help and hard work and we have about separated the bike and horse trails as directed by the DNR management.  We lost our park manager Fred Tyszka to retirement and wish him well challenging those crafty fish.  We had a barn dance, numerous rides, clinics, work bees for your fun and enjoyment and plan on much more for the 2003 year.  We invite you all to our club activities and I sure hope to see ya sucking dust out on the trails.  Remember when it comes to riding take care of your horse and they'll take care of you out there.

Gary Lee Mastalski

©2022 by Pontiac Lake Horseman's Association

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